Zabrina Larson
This is a safe place for people to explore that world we find so intriguing but don’t want to touch. Live life through my mind a few pages at a time.
You ever drive downtown in your city? See the drawn, long faces, piles of sleeping pending court-cases. The cars always slow, eyes flitting to the side. Wanting to observe but not wanting to be seen. 15 miles out from a bloody wreck, the radio reports bodies being pulled away, rolling by at 20 miles an hour, your reward is you get to see what happened. Never for long, nor too deep. We give in to gnawing curiosity to witness the grotesque and perverse. A story about Joe down the street running around on his wife will stay on people’s lips longer than Suzy finding the Lord. We remember the bad things people have done because they’ve been made out to be judge worthy. We can’t associate with the likes of them but damn if we ain’t curious. |
Scary Stories- Zabrina "Did you see that?"
Short Stories
These short stories are building up to one larger story, keep checking back to get another piece to the puzzle and eventually, the final product.
4th of July
Follow the protagonist through her darkest memory. understand when she decided to change. Experience a perspective of struggle and the mindset when you're in it.
Swiped Right
Just another day in the life. But the beginning of something good. Bad intentions and first contact.